Dragonflight Normal Vault of the Incarnates Raid Season 1
How quickly are raids organized?
- In less than an hour, usually. Contact us in chat or add us on Discord to ask about our schedule
The Primal Council;
Sennarth, The Cold Breath;
Dathea, Ascended;
Kurog Grimtotem;
Broodkeeper Diurna;
Raszageth the Storm-Eater.
How long do they take?
- Most times they’re not long at all, less than three hours. This may vary during the first weeks of new raid content.
What’s the next step after buying?
- You will be contacted by our manager and will be assigned a pro raid team, with some scheduling flexibility, as you choose. At the scheduled time you’ll get an in-game invitation to the raid, will be summoned, and you’ll play the SOD raid using your character.
WoW Heroic Sanctum of Domination boost service
Blizzard Entertainment launched, on June 30, 2021, a brand-new update to Chains of Domination for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. The major novelty introduced was the Sanctum of Domination raid.
Azeroth’s bravest warriors will head towards the very heart of the Maw to stop the Dark Lands from falling into Zovaal’s hands. The heroes encounter ten bosses on their trek, the ten main henchmen of the Jailer. These forces of evil are led by Kel’Thuzad and the “Banshee Queen” Silvana Windwing. The ones who are able to defeat them receive unique equipment of ilvl 226-233.
Few players have the skill required to aid you in this kind of raid and help you get the loot you’re hoping for! If the thought of finding guilds suitable for the raid doesn’t appeal to you, and a random selection of players isn’t cutting it – we recommend you try out our WoWBoost boosters.
We are known as a reliable and trustworthy partner in the service market. We’re here to help you any time you want, with guaranteed good rewards and completion of any dungeon, plus 24-hour customer support. Our team is made up of specialized pros ready to place all their experience at your disposal to make sure you get maximum enjoyment out of your joint Sanctum of Domination visit. Whenever there’s a new raid you want to complete successfully, just contact us. We guarantee you won’t regret it.
What you’ll need:
A character of LVL 60 or more.
World of Warcraft with the Shadowlands expansion.
A stable internet connection, preferably broadband.
What you’ll get:
From the first 8 bosses: gear of ilvl 226. From Kel’Thuzad and Sylvanas Windrunner: gear of ilvl 233.
Pets that fight: Eye of Allseeing, Mawsworn Minion and Irongrasp.
New achievements: The Jailer’s Vanguard, The Reckoning, The Dark Bastille, Shackles of Fate, and Sanctum of Domination.
The possibility of assembling Sanctum of Domination Armor sets.
A chance at raid mounts and legendary items.
A chance to get the Glory of the Dominant Raider achievement.
BoE items you can sell to others.